About iFuzzy2021
2021 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2021) will be hosted by National Formosa University (NFU) on October 5-8, 2021 at Taitung. iFUZZY 2021 is soliciting novel research results on fuzzy theory and its applications and related topics. Jointly organized by Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association (TFSA) and NFU, this conference provides a very good opportunity for research scientists, investigators, industrial practitioners and government representatives to present their results and to exchange their ideas.
The Conference Announcement
Dear iFUZZY 2021 participators:
Since the situation of COVID 19 is still very active worldwide, I believe you may not like to travel recently. Also, as predicted by WHO, there is no sign of possible cease of this pandemic in this year. Thus, there is no advantage to postpone the conference further. We decide to have the conference as scheduled in OCT. 5 ~ OCT. 8, but some sessions with virtual conference.
The detailed information for our virtual conference include poster can be seen on the website soon. (Instructions for Poster Presentations)
Nevertheless, since the pandemic situation is ok in Taiwan, we plan to have physical conference in Taitung, Formosan Naruwan Hotel. (link)
Thus, welcome to join us if you can.
The organization committee
iFUZZY 2021
Shuttle bus and its reservation information
Dear participants,
The picture below is the shuttle bus time chart of our partner hotel.
If you are staying in a hotel and want to take advantage of this service.
Please remember to make an appointment in advance to board.
Appointment call 089-225-000 #8116
Thank you for your participation.
Best regards,
iFUZZY2021 Secretariat
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Important Dates:
>> Submission of contributed papers due June 30, August 19, 2021 (Finally)
>> Proposals and extended abstracts of organized sessions June 27, August 15, 2021
>> Notification of acceptance August 10, August 31, 2021
>> Final papers due August 22, September 10, 2021